2019 "Sebastian Art Gallery"
Dubrovnik, Croatia
2018 "Here and Now"
NYC Collective Wonderfair
Art Basel, Miami, USA
2018 "Croatian Scholarship Found"
San Francisco, USA
Renata Sporcic
The Iconic Archetype of an Invincible Woman
Graduating a graphic designer at Zagreb’s School of Applied Arts in 1988 and mentored under academic painters I. Sisko, A. Matos, and E. Kokot, Renata Sporcic arrived in New York in 1996 and channeled these skills to work in the fashion world as a make-up artist, stylist, and flower arranger, earning clients in New York’s social and artistic elites and major artists in diverse areas. She worked with eminent photographers and participated in many film and television projects, eventually studying visual special effects and incorporating this into her own work, finally emerging as an independent visual artist in 2012.
Now splitting her time between a farm near Toronto, where Renata dedicates her time to painting, the environment forming a significant background for her work, and her parallel involvement in the New York arts scene. As a result of acclaim well earned, her paintings now reside in private collections worldwide.
Renata Sporcic initially was deeply Influenced by the archetypal imagery of ancient art from the near and far East and modern day Surrealist masters; her subject became “The Iconic Archetype of an Invincible Woman”, unconquerable yet vulnerable, delicate and elegant, all wrapped into the same being. “Women are iconic, natural chameleons: the mystery of the woman is in every woman. I started to see strong role models in myself and my family of friends, and see ourselves living double lives: one practical and one imagined. We are a duality, yet we are constant.” Working exclusively in the medium of oil and acrylic on custom wood panels and graphite on paper, Sporcic has now expanded her palette to include aforementioned influences from her Croatian background incorporating Croatian ethnic heritage, culture and history. By immersive living in natural environment at her Canadian studio she is inspired by Native American culture and modern and ancient art from around the world. Renata's declares herself as "one with the nature" and an environmentalist since she lives in a symbiosis with Mothe Nature and all wildlife.
The near-photorealism of her work, derived from extensive work in photography, and the masters’ techniques applied in her drawings and paintings find parallels in Dali, Mexican surrealists, and preeminent contemporary artists. Already a spiritualist before her Canadian residency, living alongside the Six Nations has deepened her interest in the natural environment, modern spirituality and finding harmony between the diverse tangents of her artistic career and contemporary culture.
‘To be honest with yourself, let yourself go and with that reach unexpected, unusual situations is what my art expresses. What is truth for me is to live in natural harmony with your soul. To see into your soul is the truth and for to me defines happiness.’